sea waterproof concrete câu
"Thank God they wear those waterproof ponchos," he thought."Ơn Chúa, họ có áo ponso chống thấm nước, ông ấy nghĩ." I hope it's written...

There's going to be reinforced concrete under the vault.Các bạn sẽ thấy bê tông rất cứng dưới lớp tường And if you want to piss off th...

in the concrete
You'll see structural joints in the concrete.Anh sẽ thấy cấu trúc kết nối trong khối bê tông/ Bring in the concrete and steel needed t...

the concrete
You'll see structural joints in the concrete.Anh sẽ thấy cấu trúc kết nối trong khối bê tông/ The concrete will come and I will take c...

at sea
Every night that you were at sea, I lit a candle and I prayed for you.Mỗi đêm cha ra biển, con thắp 1 cây nến và cầu nguyện. Now that ...

by sea
Guns will be brought in by sea in boxesSúng ống sẽ được đóng thùng đem vào bằng đường biển. I do really love adventures by sea."Tôi th...

by the sea
Closest castle to Hardhome is Eastwatch by the sea.Lâu đài gần nhất với Hardhome là Eastwatch bên bờ biển. Before my father died, at t...

Building artificial islands in the sea, for example.Xây những hòn đảo nhân tạo trên biển là một ví dụ. A couple of more years and you ...

admixture for concrete
The coarser materials are required to be processed (generally with the help of Cyclones) before being considered for use as mineral adm...

aerated concrete
zgboiler autoclaved aerated concreteBê tông khí chưng áp Autoclaved Aerated Concrete zgboiler autoclaved aerated concreteBê tông khí ch...

age of concrete
We are living in the age of concrete.Chúng ta đang sống trong thời đại của những thực tế cụ thể.

architectural concrete
continues with Architectural ConcreteBê tông trang trí Architectural concrete continues with Architectural ConcreteBê tông trang trí Ar...

ash concrete
and freezing and thawing characteristics of high volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete areBê tông có hàm lượng tro bay cao: High Volume Fly Ash...

asphalt concrete
Supply of Asphalt ConcreteBê tông nhựa Asphalt concrete Supply of Asphalt ConcreteBê tông nhựa Asphalt concrete In addition, the roads...

asphaltic concrete
Where it can be anticipated that major settlements of the runway will occur over the years because of unstable ground conditions, it is...

bamboo concrete
Tagged Bamboo concrete, Bamboo concrete used in East-West Highway in Vietnam invested by Japanese ODA source, East-West Highway in Viet...

batch of concrete
I was sure after this project, everyone will know how to mix up a fresh batch of concrete!Sau dự án lần này tôi chắc chắn rằng , mọi ng...

broken concrete
what are the specifications of crusher broken concreteNhững Gì Là Những đặc điểm Của Crusher Broken Concrete I work with lots of broke...

bulk concrete
The floor is covered with bulk concrete according to the laying technology which was applied for hospital rooms in 1930s.Sàn nhà được b...

cast concrete
The UFO and alien are cast concrete.Khi UFO và người ngoài hành tinh đã trở thành sự thật hiển nhiên The cost of the forms used to cas...

cellular concrete
Since its invention in 1920, cellular concrete tackled the search for an industrial material that had similar characteristics to wood.K...

cement concrete
Its full name is reinforced cement concrete, or RCC.Tên đầy đủ của nó là bê tông cốt thép, hoặc RCC. Its full name is reinforced cemen...

common concrete
That's almost the same density as common concrete.Gần như mật độ giống như của bê tông vậy. For perhaps the first time in the countert...

compacted concrete
Additional benefits of RCC – Roller Compacted ConcreteBê tông đầm lăn: RCC ( Roller compacted concrete)

concrete admixture
And materials scientists at Rutgers University are using a limestone-producing fungus called Trichoderma reesei as a concrete admixture...